Alain Mollier

Alain Mollier

Research Ecophysiologist and modeller

Alain Mollier

Dr Alain Mollier

Interaction Soil Plant Atmosphere Joint Research Unit



Phone: +33 5 57 12 25 20

Education & professional positions

  • 2016 HDR Bordeaux University
  • 2014 to present: Research Scientist, INRA, UMR 1391 ISPA, F-33882 Villenave d’Ornon, France. Affiliate Faculty Status, University of Bordeaux.
  • October 2000 to 2013: Research Scientist, INRA, UMR 1220 TCEM, F-33882 Villenave d’Ornon, France. Affiliate Faculty Status, Bordeaux Science Agro.
  • Ph.D., 1999, University of Paris XI
  • M.S., 1995, University of Paris XI.
  • 1999: Post-Doctoral Research position at the ALTERRA, Wageningen University

 Professional memberships

  • Member of STICS network a scientific network of the Environment and Agronomy Division of INRA
  • National French Network for Science and Technology: Fertilization and Environment
  • Member of Cluster of Excellence: COTE Continental to coastal ecosystems: evolution, adaptability and governance


Involved in the MASTER 2 (postgraduate) course ‘The rhizosphere and absorption by the roots: state of knowledge and modelling’ and practical session ‘modelling plant nutrition’ at University of Bordeaux.

Current research interests & achievements

Research interests: My research focuses on the soil-plant transfer of phosphorus in agro-ecosystems. My objectives are a better understanding and modelling of processes that govern soil P availability, root P acquisition and crop growth response. Accordingly, I will develop new tools to improve P use efficiency by crops and to limit P losses to environment.

Tools: for this I develop numerical models that describe soil P availability, root P uptake and crop P response. These models are based on experiments in field and controlled condition to test some hypothesis on effects of P limitation. One of my main expertise is on the use of radioisotope (32P) to trace the P transfer from soil to the plant and within plant compartments. The other one is the numerical modelling of soil-plant transfer.


Phosphorus, plant nutrition, biogeochemistry, plant P response, modelling, phosphorus fertilization, environment, P recycling, P use efficiency.

List of my publications:

Dans ResearcherID

and ProdINRA


Recent publications

Gautier A, Cookson SJ, Hevin C, Vivin P, Lauvergeat V, Mollier A. 2018. Phosphorus acquisition efficiency and phosphorus remobilization mediate genotype-specific differences in shoot phosphorus content in grapevine. Tree Physiology.

Kvakić M, Pellerin S, Ciais P, Achat DL, Augusto L, Denoroy P, Gerber JS, Goll D, Mollier A, Mueller ND, et al. 2018. Quantifying the Limitation to World Cereal Production Due To Soil Phosphorus Status. Global Biogeochemical Cycles: 2017GB005754.

Li H, Mollier A, Ziadi N, Shi Y, Parent L-É, Morel C. 2017a. Soybean root traits after 24 years of different soil tillage and mineral phosphorus fertilization management. Soil and Tillage Research 165: 258–267.

Li H, Mollier A, Ziadi N, Shi Y, Parent L-É, Morel C. 2017b. The long-term effects of tillage practice and phosphorus fertilization on the distribution and morphology of corn root. Plant and Soil 412: 97–114.

Morel, C.; Denoroy, P.; Mollier, A.; Pellerin, S.; SINAJ, S.; ZIADI, N. 2018. Cycle biogéochimique du phosphore. In: Guide de la fertilisation raisonnée. Paris FRA: Agriproduction Productions végétales et Grandes cultures. Editions France Agricole, 130–139.

Nadeem M, Mollier A, Pellerin S. 2018. Effects of Sowing Depth on Remobilization and Translocation of Seed Phosphorus Reserves. Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences 28: 934–939.

Nesme T, Senthilkumar K, Mollier A, Pellerin S. 2015. Effects of crop and livestock segregation on phosphorus resource use: A systematic, regional analysis. European Journal of Agronomy 71: 88–95.

Poisson E, Brunel-Muguet S, Kauffmann F, Trouverie J, Avice J-C, Mollier A. 2018a. Sensitivity analyses for improving sulfur management strategies in winter oilseed rape. PLOS ONE 13: e0204376.

Poisson E, Mollier A, Trouverie J, Avice J-C, Brunel-Muguet S. 2018b. SuMoToRI model simulations for optimizing sulphur fertilization in oilseed rape in the context of increased spring temperatures. European Journal of Agronomy 97: 28–37.

Schneider A, Augusto L, Mollier A. 2016. Assessing the plant minimal exchangeable potassium of a soil. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 179: 584–590.

Schneider A, Mollier A. 2016. Modelling of K/Ca exchange in agricultural soils. Geoderma 271: 216–224.

Messiga AJ, Ziadi N, Mollier A, Parent L-E, Schneider A, Morel C (2015) Process-based mass-balance modeling of soil phosphorus availability: Testing different scenarios in a long-term maize monoculture. Geoderma 243–244 (0):41-49. doi:

Brunel-Muguet S, Pellerin S, Mollier A (2014) Impact of early growth traits on further genotypic performance during the vegetative growth of maize (Zea mays L.) in response to phosphorous (P) availability. Australian Journal of Crop Science 8 (3):402-412

Morel C, Ziadi N, Messiga A, Bélanger G, Denoroy P, Jeangros B, Jouany C, Fardeau J-C, Mollier A, Parent L-E, Proix N, Rabeharisoa L, Sinaj S (2014) Modeling of phosphorus dynamics in contrasting agroecosystems using long-term field experiments. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 94 (3):377-387. doi:10.4141/cjss2013-024

Nadeem M, Mollier A, Morel C, Prud'homme L, Vives A, Pellerin S (2014) Remobilization of seed phosphorus reserves and their role in attaining phosphorus autotrophy in maize (Zea mays L.) seedlings. Seed Science Research 24 (3):187-194. Doi 10.1017/S0960258514000105

Nadeem M, Mollier A, Vives A, Prud'Homme L, Niollet S, Pellerin S (2014) Effect of phosphorus nutrition and grain position within maize cob on grain phosphorus accumulation. Span J Agric Res 12 (2):486-491. DOI 10.5424/sjar/2014122-4650

Senthilkumar K, Mollier A, Delmas M, Pellerin S, Nesme T (2014) Phosphorus recovery and recycling from waste: an appraisal based on a French case study. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 87 (0):97-108. doi:

Nadeem M, Mollier A, Morel C, Shahid M, Aslam M, Zia-ur-Rehman M, Wahid MA, Pellerin S (2013) Maize seedling phosphorus nutrition: Allocation of remobilized seed phosphorus reserves and external phosphorus uptake to seedling roots and shoots during early growth stages. Plant Soil 371 (1-2):327-338. DOI 10.1007/s11104-013-1689-x

Nadeem M, Mollier A, Morel C, Vives A, Prud’homme L, Pellerin S (2012) Maize (Zea mays L.) endogenous seed phosphorus remobilization is not influenced by exogenous phosphorus availability during germination and early growth stages. Plant Soil 357 (1-2):13-24. doi:10.1007/s11104-011-1111-5

Nadeem M, Mollier A, Morel C, Vives A, Prud'homme L, Pellerin S (2012) Maize (Zea mays L.) endogenous seed phosphorus remobilization is not influenced by exogenous phosphorus availability during germination and early growth stages. Plant Soil 357 (1-2):13-24. DOI 10.1007/s11104-011-1111-5

Nesme T, Toublant M, Mollier A, Morel C, Pellerin S (2012) Assessing phosphorus management among organic farming systems: a farm input, output and budget analysis in southwestern France. Nutr Cycl Agroecosys 92 (2):225-236. DOI 10.1007/s10705-012-9486-0

Senthilkumar K, Nesme T, Mollier A, Pellerin S (2012) Conceptual design and quantification of phosphorus flows and balances at the country scale: The case of France. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 26 (2):GB2008. Doi 10.1029/2011gb004102

Senthilkumar K, Nesme T, Mollier A, Pellerin S (2012) Regional-scale phosphorus flows and budgets within France: The importance of agricultural production systems. Nutr Cycl Agroecosys 92 (2):145-159. DOI 10.1007/s10705-011-9478-5

Nadeem M, Mollier A, Morel C, Vives A, Prud'homme L, Pellerin S (2011) Relative contribution of seed phosphorus reserves and exogenous phosphorus uptake to maize (Zea mays L.) nutrition during early growth stages. Plant Soil 346 (1-2):231-244. DOI 10.1007/s11104-011-0814-y

Nesme T, Brunault S, Mollier A, Pellerin S (2011) An analysis of farmers' use of phosphorus fertiliser in industrial agriculture: a case study in the Bordeaux region (south-western France). Nutr Cycl Agroecosys 91 (1):99-108. DOI 10.1007/s10705-011-9449-x

Jonard M, Augusto L, Hanert E, Achat DL, Bakker MR, Morel C, Mollier A, Pellerin S (2010) Modeling forest floor contribution to phosphorus supply to maritime pine seedlings in two-layered forest soils. Ecol Model 221 (6):927-935. DOI 10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2009.12.017

Martinefsky MJ, Assuero SG, Mollier A, Pellerin S (2010) Analysis of the response of two tall fescue cultivars of different origin to P deficiency. Environ Exp Bot 69 (3):250-258. DOI 10.1016/j.envexpbot.2010.04.009

Mollier A, De Willigen P, Heinen M, Morel C, Schneider A, Pellerin S (2008) A two-dimensional simulation model of phosphorus uptake including crop growth and P-response. Ecol Model 210 (4):453-464. DOI 10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2007.08.008