

INRA Centre de Bordeaux Aquitaine

71 avenue E. Bourlaux

CS 20032 33882 Villenave d'Ornon cedex



2017/08-present Post-Doc in INRA-ISPA, France

2013/09-2017/07 Doctor of philosophy in Institute of remote sensing and digital earth, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

2015/11-2016/11 visiting student in INRA-ISPA, France

Recherches et compétences

My interesting area include the retrievals of soil moisture over the heterogeneous land surface, the application of remote sensing soil moisture and vegetation optical depth (VOD) on global fire risk and drought.

Projets en cours 

the TOSCA (Terre Océan Surfaces Continentales et Atmosphère) CNES program and the European Space Agency (ESA)


  1. Fan, L.; Xiao, Q.; Wen, J.; Liu, Q.; Jin, R.; You, D.; Li, X.. Mapping High-Resolution Soil Moisture over Heterogeneous Cropland Using Multi-Resource Remote Sensing and Ground Observation. Remote Sensing 2015, 7, 13273-13297.
  2. Fan, L.; Xiao, Q.; Wen, J.; Tang, Y.; You D.; Wang, H.; Gong, Z.; Li, X.. Evaluation of the Airborne CASI/TASI Ts-VI Space Method for Estimating Near-Surface Soil Moisture. Remote Sensing 2015, 7, 3114-3137.
  3. Fan, L,; Wigneron, J.; Alyarri, A.. Evaluation of microwave remote sensing for monitoring live fuel moisture content in the Mediterranean region. Remote Sensing of Environment, under review.