GIMENO Teresa E.

GIMENO Teresa E.






  • December 2014-Present Research Fellow (‘CDD’) at the Unité Mixte de Recherche Interactions Sol Plant Atmosphère (UMR 1391 ISPA), Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA), centre de Bordeaux-Aquitaine, France
  • February 2012-December 2014 Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Surface Water Hydrology and Ecophysiology of Forest Water Balance at the Hawkesbury Institute for Environment, Western Sydney University (WSU), Australia, funded by CSIRO ‘Water for a Healthy Country’ flagship  collaboration
  • March-October 2011 Research fellow at the University Rey Juan Carlos (URJC), Madrid, Spain, funded by the Autonomous Community of Madrid and the European Social Founding
  • January 2007-December 2010 Graduate student (PhD candidate) at the Institute of Natural Resources, Spanish Scientific Council (CSIC), Madrid, Spain

Recherches et compétences

My research focuses on the impact of anthropogenic change on terrestrial vegetation functioning. I am interested in the effects of climate change, rising atmospheric CO2 and changes in land use on plant-atmospheric feedbacks. My main background is on plant ecophysiology, but I am skilled in additional disciplines including: plant-process modelling, spatial statistics, plant-soil interactions and dendroecology. Currently I am engaged as a Marie S. Curie research fellow at the UMR ISPA at INRA-Bordeaux (France). My current research project at INRA is allowing me to expand my skills by incorporating the use of trace gases and stable isotopes to measure plant-atmospheric CO2 and water exchange under extreme conditions. Previously, I held a postdoctoral fellow of the Australian CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation), co-funded by the Western Sydney University. During this stage, I had the opportunity to work in the world’s largest climate-change experiment. The core of my research project during this stage consisted on quantifying the impact of elevated CO2 on the water balance of a native woodland. In addition, I addressed how rising atmospheric CO2 affects multiple plant and soil processes from the leaf, to the whole plant up to the forest stand. Before, I was in charge of the technical set up and site characterization for a European project assessing the effects of forest tree diversity on ecosystem services, during a postdoctoral stay at the University Rey Juan Carlos (URJC, Spain). I did my PhD at the former Institute of Natural Resources of the Spanish Scientific Council (CSIC), currently integrated within the National Museum of Natural Sciences (MNCN-CSIC), with several research stages in Spain and abroad, including Australia, Canada and the INRA-Nancy. During my PhD, I focused on the combined effects of climate change and changes in land use on native Mediterranean forests. I addressed the simultaneous impacts of two global change drivers on the population dynamics, growth and physiology of two key species of the Mediterranean continental woodland

Projets en cours 

Unveiling Stomata 24/7: Using Stable Isotopes and COS to quantify diurnal and nocturnal carbon and water vegetation-atmosphere Fluxes under future climate scenarios

USIFLUX (UB Idex 2014-2016) and (MSC 2016-2018)

Rising atmospheric CO2 concentration, increasing temperature and altered precipitation patterns dramatically impact the terrestrial biosphere with important consequences for all biogeochemical cycles. Predictions of carbon (C) and water exchange between vegetation and the atmosphere require detailed mechanistic understanding of how plants control water loss and C gain through their stomatal pores. Currently, global circulation models incorporate formulations of stomatal conductance (gs) based on stomatal optimisation theory. However, these models ignore gs regulation: (1) during night time, despite clear evidence for significant nocturnal transpiration, (2) in non-vascular plants, (3) during leaf development and (4) in response to endogenous control. To reduce the uncertainty associated with current C and water fluxes in models, we need to incorporate robust predictions of gs in response to novel environmental conditions (higher temperature, decreased water availability and elevated CO2). To fill these gaps, USIFlux, will develop a novel tracing technique to measure gs during the dark, when fluxes are an order of magnitude smaller than during the day. To do so, we will combine measurements of COS (carbonyl sulphide) uptake with CO18O fluxes and changes in the oxygen isotope composition (δ18O) of water in leaves. We will relate the response of gs at night to changes in gs during the day and in response to drought and elevated CO2. These measurements will be coupled to an experiment to investigate stomatal regulation during leaf ontogeny and in different life forms. Here, we will challenge the stomatal optimisation theory in life forms lacking active stomatal control (mosses and brackens) and during leaf development, when leaf construction costs constrain the optimisation of C gain. Empirical formulations arising from these experiments will be incorporated into large-scale soil-vegetation-atmosphere transfer models to explore their impact at larger scales. The overall objective of the project is to improve our understanding of stomatal regulation in the dark, across plant functional types, over leaf ontogeny and in response to drought and rising CO2.


  • January-June 2017 Main Supervisor MSc. thesis E. Likiliki, Université de Bordeaux (UB), France
  • January-June 2016 Co-supervisor MSc. thesis Y. Cochet, UB, France
  • May-November 2015 Main Supervisor MSc. thesis N. Saavedra, URJC-INRA, Spain-France
  • January 2014 Main Supervisor Summer Internship A. Webeck, WSU, Australia


  • March 2016 Invited seminar Investigating the impact of light and water on COS exchange in bryophytes, UMR BIOGECO, INRA-Bordeaux, France
  • February 2016 Invited lecture Tracking water use and carbon uptake in a global change scenario: bridging scales and approaches, Department of Environment, Earth and Ecosystems, Milton Keynes, The Open University, UK
  • January 2015 & 2016 Lecturer of TREESYLVE module, School of Bordeaux Science Agro, BSA, France
  • October 2015 & 2016 Lecturer MSc. Experimental Unit on ‘Modélisation du foctionnement de peuplements végetaux’, UB, France
  • June 2015 Demonstrator of ‘Module Ecophysiologie’, MSc. Earth and the Enviornment, BSA, France
  • January-June 2014 Demonstrator for ‘Biodiversity’, BSc. WSU, Australia
  • February 2013 Invited lecture Impacts of global change in water-limited, WSU, Australia
  • September 2010 Co-supervisor MSc. thesis A. Lázaro-Nogal MSc. thesis, UAH, Spain
  • February 2008 Field assistant professor of BSc. students in the Alto Tajo Natural Park, URJC, Spain


  1. Rincón, A., F. Valladares, T. E. Gimeno & J. J. Pueyo 2008. Water stress responses of two Mediterranean tree species influenced by native soil microorganisms and inoculation with a plant growth promoting rhizobacterium. Tree Physiology. 28:1693-1701
  2. Gimeno, T. E., B. Pías, J. P. Lemos-filho & F. Valladares 2009. Plasticity and stress tolerance override local adaptation in the responses of Mediterranean Holm oak seedlings to drought and cold. Tree Physiology. 29:87-98
  3. Gimeno T. E., K. E. Sommerville, F. Valladares & O. K. Atkin. 2010. Homeostasis of respiration under drought and its important consequences for carbon balance in a drier climate: insights from two contrasting Acacia species. Functional Plant Biology. 37:323-333
  4. Sommerville K. E., T. E. Gimeno & Ball M. C. 2010. Primary nerve (vein) density influences spatial heterogeneity of photosynthetic response to drought in two Acacia species. Functional Plant Biology. 37:840-848
  5. Pías, B., S. Matesanz, A. Herrero, T. E. Gimeno, F. Valladares & A. Escudero. 2010. Transgenerational effects of three global change drivers on an endemic Mediterranean plant. Oikos. 119:1435-1444
  6. Crous K. Y., J. Zaragoza-Castells., M. Löw, D. S. Ellsworth, D. T. Tissue, M. G. Tjoelker, C. V. M. Barton, T. E. Gimeno & O. K. Atkin. 2011. Seasonal acclimation of leaf respiration in Eucalyptus saligna trees: impacts of elevated atmospheric CO2 and summer drought. Global Change Biology. 17:1560-1576
  7. Matesanz S., T.E. Gimeno, M. de la Cruz, A. Escudero & F. Valladares. 2011. Coexistence with a congener influences the fine-scale spatial genetic structure of a semiarid plant. Journal of Ecology 99:838-848
  8. Gimeno, T. E., J. J. Camarero, E. Granda, B. Pías & F. Valladares 2012. Carbon gain under harsh conditions is crucial for growth of Spanish juniper under a changing climate. Tree Physiology 32:326-336 [physiological and dendrochornology measurements, data analyses and manuscript writing]
  9. Gimeno, T. E., A. Escudero, A. Delgado & F. Valladares 2012. Previous land use alters the effect of climate change and facilitation on expanding woodlands of Spanish juniper. Ecosystems. 15:564-579
  10. Gimeno, T. E., B. Pias, J. Martinez-Fernandez, D. L. Quiroga, A. Escudero & F. Valladares. 2012. The decreased competition in expanding vs. mature juniper woodlands is counteracted by adverse climatic effects on growth. European Journal of Forest Research. 131:977-987
  11. Lázaro-Nogal, A., S. Matesanz, T. E. Gimeno, A. Escudero & F. Valladares 2012. Fragmentation and drought modulate the strong impact of habitat quality and plant cover on fertility and microbial activity of semiarid gypsum soils. Plant & Soil. 358:205-215
  12. Granda E, J. J. Camarero, T. E. Gimeno, J. Martínez-Fernández &  F. Valladares 2013. Intensity and timing of warming and drought differentially affect growth patterns of co-occurring Mediterranean tree species European Journal of Forest Research. 132:469-480
  13. Baeten L. et al. (70 authors, Gimeno T. E. is 42nd) 2013. A novel comparative research platform designed to determine the functional significance of forest tree diversity in Europe. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics. 15:281-291
  14. Gimeno T. E., A. Escudero A & F. Valladares 2015. Nature and intensity of juvenile facilitation by adult trees under climate change scenarios is species specific in Mediterranean woodlands. Oecologia 117:159-169
  15. Atkin O.K et al. (62 authors, Gimeno T. E. is 21st) 2015. Global variability in leaf respiration among plant functional types in relation to climate and leaf traits. New Phytologist 206:614-636
  16. Lin Y-.-S. et al. (54 authors, Gimeno T. E. is 27th) 2015. Optimal stomatal behaviour around the world: synthesis of a global stomatal conductance database. Nature Climate Change. 5:459-464
  17. Drake J. E., C. A. Macdonald, Tjoelker M. G., K. Y. Crous, Gimeno T. E., B. K. Singh, P. B. Reich, I. C. Anderson & D. S. Ellsworth 2015 Short-term carbon cycling responses of a mature eucalypt woodland to gradual stepwise enrichment of atmospheric CO2 concentration Global Change Biology 22:380-390
  18. Gimeno T. E., K. Y. Crous, J. Cooke, A. P. O’Grady, A. Osvaldsson & D. S. Ellsworth 2015. Optimal stomatal behaviour is maintained under rising CO2 and changes in water availability in mature woodland. Functional Ecology 5:700-709
  19. Duursma R. S., T. E. Gimeno, M. M. Boer, K. Y. Crous, M. G. Tjoelker & D. S. Ellsworth 2016 Canopy leaf area of a mature evergreen Eucalyptus woodland does not respond to elevated atmospheric [CO2] but tracks water availability. Global Change Biology 22:1666-1667
  20. Medlyn B. E., M. G. De Kauwe M. G., S. Zaehle, A. P. Walker, R. A. Duursma, K. Luus, M. Mishurov, B. Pak, B. Smith, Y.-P. Wang, X. Yang, K. Y. Crous, J. E. Drake, T. E. Gimeno, C. A. Macdonald, R. J. Norby, S. A. Power, M. G. Tjoelker & D. S. Ellsworth 2016 Using models to guide experiments: a priori predictions for the CO2 response of a nutrient- and water-limited mature Eucalypt woodland Global Change Biology 22:2834-2851
  21. Ellsworth D. S., I. C. Anderson, K. Y. Crous, J. Cooke, J. E. Drake, A. N. Gherlenda, T. E. Gimeno, C. A. Macdonald, B. E. Medlyn, J. R. Powell, M. G. Tjoelker & P. B. Reich 2017 Elevated CO2 does not increase eucalypt forest productivity on a low-phosphorous soil Nature Climate Change 7:279-282
  22. Gimeno T. E., Ogée J., Royles J., Gibon Y., West J. B., Burlett R., Jones S. P., Sauze J., Wohl S., Griffiths H., Benard C. & Wingate L. 2016 Bryophyte gas-exchange dynamics along varying hydration status reveal a significant COS sink in the dark and COS source in the light New Phytologist 215:965-976 (Article Highlighted on New Phytologist 215, issue 3, commentary on the same issue by Wohlfahrt, 215:923-925)