Directeur de Recherche

INRA Centre de Bordeaux Aquitaine
71 avenue E. Bourlaux
CS 20032 33882 Villenave d'Ornon cedex
05 57 12 24 32

 English version


  • Ingénieur Ecole Centrale de Lyon, 1975
  • Thèse de Docteur Ingénieur, Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, 1979
  • Recrutement à l’INRA, 1981

Recherches et compétences

  • Détermination des flux de surface à partir des données de télédétection dans l’infrarouge thermique.
  • Physique du signal température de surface. Etudes récentes : (i) analyse et modélisation des effets d’anisotropie directionnelle dans l’IRT, (ii) impact de la turbulence atmosphérique sur la précision des mesures de température de surface depuis l’espace.
  • Développement des techniques de scintillométrie dans les domaines optique et micro-ondes pour la validation des flux de surface à l’échelle régionale
  • Réalisation de campagnes de mesure (terrain et aéroporté) pour les objectifs de validation, sur des surfaces (couverts agricoles, milieux forestiers, milieux urbains) et des sites (France, Afrique de l’Ouest) variés.
  • Depuis les années 90, en lien avec le CNES, activité de PI (responsable scientifique) dans plusieurs projets destinés à promouvoir une nouvelle mission spatiale combinant une haute résolution spatiale et une revisite élevée dans l’infrarouge thermique : implication avec le CNES dans les projets MISTIGRI (2019-2011), TIREX (ESA, EE-8 2010) puis THIRSTY (coopération CNES-NASA, 2012-2015), et aujourd’hui (2015→) une mission franco-indienne TRISHNA en co-développement entre le CNES et l’ISRO, l’agence spatiale indienne.
  • Participation depuis 2017 à un groupe d’experts de l’Agence Spatiale Européenne (ESA) chargé de définir une mission, HSTRLST (High Spatio-Temporal Resolution LST mission), destinée à accompagner Sentinel 8 dans l’infrarouge thermique, dans le cadre de l’évolution de la composante spatiale Copernicus.


Bian Z., Lagouarde J.-P., Roujean J.-L., and Irvine M. (2018). Calibration of the RL parametric model of TIR BRDF using SCOPE model simulations. Remote Sens. Environ. (soumis).

Bian Z., Caoa B., Lia H., Dua Y., Lagouarde J.-P., Xiaoa Q., Liua Q. (2018). An analytical four-component directional brightness temperature model for crop and forest canopies. Remote Sensing of Environment 209 (2018) 731–746.

Koetz B., Bastiaanssen W., Berger M., Defourny P., Del Bello U., Drusch M., Drinkwater M., Duca R., Fernandez V., Ghent D., Guzinski R., Hoogeveen J., Hook S., Lagouarde J.-P., Lemoine G., Manolis I., Martimort P., Masek J., Massart M., Notarnicola C., Sobrino J., Udelhoven T., (2018). High Spatio-Temporal Resolution Land Surface Temperature Mission – a Copernicus candidate mission in support of agricultural monitoring. 2018 IGARSS International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Valencia (Spain), July 22-27. 4pp.

Lagouarde J.-P., Bhattacharya B.K., Crébassol P., Gamet P., Babu S. S., Boulet G., Briottet X., Buddhiraju K.M., Cherchali S., Dadou I., Dedieu G., Gouhier M., Hagolle O., Irvine M., Jacob F., Kumar A., Kumar K. K., Laignel B., Mallick K., Murthy C.S., Olioso A., Ottlé C. , Pandya M. R., Raju P. V., Roujean J.-L., Sekhar M., Shukla M.V., Singh S. K., Sobrino J. , Ramakrishnan R., (2018). The Indian-French TRISHNA mission : Earth observation in the thermal infrared with high spatio-temporal resolution. 2018 IGARSS International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Valencia (Spain), July 22-27. 4pp.

Jacob F., Lesaignoux A., Olioso A., Weiss M., Caillault K., Jacquemoud S., Nerry F., French A., Schmugge T., Briottet X., Lagouarde J.-P. (2017). Reassessment of the temperature-emissivity separation from multispectral thermal infrared data: Introducing the impact of vegetation canopy by simulating the cavity effect with the SAIL-Thermique model. Remote Sensing of Environment 198, 160–172.

J. B. Fisher , F. Melton, E. Middleton, C. Hain, M. Anderson, R. Allen, M. F. McCabe , S. Hook, D. Baldocchi, P. A. Townsend, A. Kilic, K. Tu , D. D. Miralles, J. Perret, J.-P. Lagouarde, D. Waliser, A. J. Purdy , A. French, D. Schimel, J. S. Famiglietti, G. Stephens , and E. F. Wood (2017). The future of evapotranspiration: Global requirements for ecosystem functioning, carbon and climate feedbacks, agricultural management, and water resources. Water Resour. Res., 53, 2618–2626, doi:10.1002/2016WR020175.

J.-P. Lagouarde, B. K. Bhattacharya, P. Crébassol, P. Gamet (2017). TRISHNA : a new high resolution thermal infrared Indo-French mission concept. Proc. Recent Advances in Quantitative Remote Sensing V Meeting, Valencia, Spain, 18-22th September 2017. 6pp.

Lagouarde J.-P. and Boulet G. (2016). Energy Balance of Continental Surfaces and the Use of Surface Temperature, Chapter 10, 323 – 362. In: Land Surface Remote Sensing in Continental Hydrology, N. Baghdadi and M. Zribi Ed., ISTE Editions, ISBN : 9781785481048

Boulet G., and Lagouarde J.-P. (2016). Bilan d’énergie des surfaces continentales et utilisation de la température de surface, Chapitre 10, 305 - 338. In: Observation des Surfaces continentales par télédétection II, Hydrologie continentale, N. Baghdadi and M. Zribi Ed., ISTE Editions, ISBN : 9781785481048

Duffour C., Lagouarde J.-P., Roujean J.-L. (2016). A two parameter model to simulate thermal infrared directional effects for remote sensing applications. Remote Sens. Environ., 186, 250–261.

Duffour, C., J.-P. Lagouarde, A. Olioso, J. Demarty, and J.-L. Roujean (2016). Driving factors of the directional variability of thermal infrared signal in temperate regions. Remote Sens. Environ., 177, 248-264.

Duffour, C., A. Olioso, J. Demarty, C. Van der Tol, and J.-P. Lagouarde (2015). An evaluation of SCOPE: A tool to simulate the directional anisotropy of satellite-measured surface temperatures. Remote Sens. Environ., 158, 362–375, doi:10.1016/j.rse.2014.10.019.

Boulet G., Mougenot B., Lhomme J. P., Fanise P., Lili-Chabaane Z., Olioso A., Bahir M., Rivalland V., Jarlan L., Merlin O., Coudert B., Er-Raki S., Lagouarde J. P. (2015). The SPARSE model for the prediction of water stress and evapotranspiration components from thermal infra-red data and its evaluation over irrigated and rainfed wheat. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 19, 4653-4672.

Lagouarde J.-P., Irvine M., Dupont S. (2015). Atmospheric turbulence induced errors on measurements of surface temperature from space. Remote Sens. Environ. (168) 40-53.

Crebassol, P., Lagouarde J.-P., Hook S. (2014). THIRSTY Thermal InfraRed SpaTial System. In 2014 IEEE Geosc. and Remote Sensing Symposium, pp. 3021–3024.

Lagouarde, J.-P., Dayau, S., Moreau, P., Guyon, D. (2014). Directional Anisotropy of Brightness Surface Temperature Over Vineyards: Case Study Over the Medoc Region (SW France). Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, IEEE,  Vol. 11(2), 574 - 578, DOI : 10.1109/LGRS.2013.2282492

Lagouarde J.-P., Bach M., Sobrino J.A., Boulet G., Briottet X., Cherchali S., Coudert B., Dadou I., Dedieu G., Gamet P., Hagolle O., Jacob F., Nerry F., Olioso A., Ottlé C., Roujean J.L., Fargant G. (2013). The MISTIGRI Thermal Infrared project: scientific objectives and mission specifications. Int.. Journal of Remote Sensing. 2013, 34 (9-10), p. 3437-3466.

Delogu E., Boulet G., Olioso A., Coudert B., Chirouze J., Ceschia E., Le Dantec V., Chehbouni G. and Lagouarde J.-P., (2012).Temporal variations of evapotranspiration: reconstruction using instantaneous satellite measurements in the thermal infrared domain. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 16, 2995-3010. doi:10.5194/hessd-9-1699-2012

Lagouarde J.-P., Hénon A., Irvine M., Voogt J., Pigeon G., Moreau P., Masson V., Mestayer P. (2011). Experimental characterization and modelling of the nighttime directional anisotropy of thermal infrared measurements over an urban area: case study of Toulouse (France). Remote Sensing of Environment, 117, 19-33.

Sobrino J.A., Lagouarde J.P., Boulet G., Briottet X. ,Cherchali S., Coudert B., Dadou I., Dedieu G., Gillespie A., Hagolle O., Jacob F., Jiménez-Muñoz J.C., Manunta P., Mueller A., Nerry F., Olioso A., Ottle C., Price K., Roujean J.-L., Royer A., Stefanov W.L., Voogt J., Wattson I.M. and Zarco-Tejeda P.J. (2011). Overview of the thermal infrared Explorer (TIREX) mission. RAQRS’III Int Symp., Torrent, Spain, sept 27th - oct 1st 2010.

Lagouarde J.-P., Hénon A., Kurz B., Moreau P., Irvine M., Voogt J., Mestayer P. (2010). Modelling daytime thermal infrared directional anisotropy over Toulouse city centre. Remote Sens. Environ. 114, 87-105.

Lagouarde J.-P., Irvine M. (2008). Directional anisotropy in thermal infrared measurements over Toulouse city centre during the CAPITOUL measurement campaigns: first results. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, special issue CAPITOUL. 102, 173-185, DOI: 10.1007/s00703-008-0325-4.

Lagouarde, J. P., Irvine, M., Bonnefond, J. M., Grimmond, C. S. B., Long, N., Oke, T. R., Salmond, J. A., and Offerle, B. (2006). Monitoring the sensible heat flux over urban areas using large aperture scintillometry: case study of Marseille city during the ESCOMPTE experiment. Boundary Layer Meteorology 118, 449-476.

Lagouarde, J. P., Moreau, P., Irvine, M., Bonnefond, J. M., Voogt, J. A., and Solliec, F. (2004). Airborne experimental measurements of the angular variations in surface temperature over urban areas: case study of Marseille (France). Remote Sensing of Environment 93, 443-462.

Lagouarde, J. P., Bonnefond, J. M., Kerr, Y. H., McAneney, K. J., and Irvine, M. (2002). Integrated sensible heat flux measurements of a two-surface composite landscape using scintillometry. Boundary Layer Meteorology 105, 5-35.

Lagouarde, J. P., Ballans, H., Moreau, P., Guyon, D., and Coraboeuf, D. (2000). Experimental study of brightness surface temperature angular variations of maritime pine. Remote Sensing of Environment 72, 17-34.

Seguin, B., Becker, F., Phulpin, T., Gu, X. F., Guyot, G., Kerr, Y., King, C., Lagouarde, J. P., Ottlé, C., Stoll, M. P., Tabbagh, A., and Vidal, A. (1999). IRSUTE : A minisatellite project for land surface heat flux estimation, from field to regional scale. Remote Sensing of Environment, 68, 357-369.

Duchemin, B., Guyon, D., and Lagouarde, J. P. (1999). Potential and limits of NOAA-AVHRR temporal composite data for phenology and water stress monitoring of temperate forest ecosystems. International Journal of Remote Sensing 20, 895-917.

INRA Centre de Bordeaux Aquitaine
71 avenue E. Bourlaux
CS 20032 33882 Villenave d'Ornon cedex
05 57 12 24 32


  • Engineer graduated from Ecole Centrale de Lyon, 1975
  • PhD, Joseph Fourier University, Grenoble, 1979
  • Joined INRA in 1981


  • Estimation of surface fluxes from remotely sensed data in the thermal infrared.
  • Physics of the surface temperature signal. Recent studies : (i) experimental analysis and modelling of TIR directional anisotropy, (ii) impact of atmospheric turbulence on the accuracy of surface temperature measurements from space.
  • Development of scintillometry techniques in the optical and microwaves domains for validating fluxes at regional scale.
  • Design of experimental campaigns of measurements (field and airborne) for validation purposes over varied surfaces (agricultural crop canopies, forests, urban areas) at various locations (France, Western Africa).
  • Since the 90’s, in relation with CNES, PI of several projects to promote a new satellite mission combining a high spatial resolution with high revisit capacities in the thermal infrared : involvement with CNES into MISTIGRI (2019-2011), TIREX (ESA, EE-8 2010), THIRSTY (cooperation CNES-NASA, 2012-2015) projects, and presently (2015→) into an Indian-French mission TRISHNA co-developed by CNES and ISRO, the space Indian agency.
  • Since 2017 participation to a Mission Expert Group of the European Space Agency (ESA) in charge of defining a mission in the thermal infrared, HSTRLST (High Spatio-Temporal Resolution LST mission), to fly with Sentinel 8 in the framework of the evolution of the Copernicus Space Component (CSC).